
Just like humans, dogs and cats need regular dental cleanings. In fact, unless you brush your dog's teeth daily, he or she is in need of regular dental check-ups. Gum disease can be prevented with fluoride and dental cleanings. Learn More.

A dental cleaning is $55, with fluoride treatment included. Dr. Malernee does not think the risk of general anesthesia is justified in almost all dental procedures. Sedative can be used similar to the ones used in human dentistry with uncooperative children. Because general anesthesia is not used, dental cleanings can be scheduled as out-patient care procedures. Sedation reversals developed in human medicine allow the animals to go directly home.

Dr. Malernee is one of the few vets in Palm Beach County that has a dental X-Ray machine. In addition to providing dental x-rays and other dental services, he can perform root canals to save a tooth. When braces or crowns are in order, these services are typically referred to other vets because because patient cooperation makes these two procedures sometimes fail when dogs chew on objects that break crowns and braces.

Teeth are cleaned with dental ultrasonic cleaners at and below the gum line and are treated with fluoride to treat and prevent the spread of infection. Dr. Malernee personally does the cleanings, not unlicensed personnel, as is the customary practice. Always ask who will be doing the cleanings and if they have been trained and licensed when getting your pet teeth cleaned. Our dental fee schedule is as follows:

Dental Fee Schedule



periodontal tip sub gingival cleaning



fluoride treatment included


Included with Cleaning!

dental x-rays if teeth broken or extraction multiple views



sedation/tranquilizer with pain injection when needed



reversal injection for sedation so can schedule as short non hospitalized out patient procedure



fluids/interoperative l with IV catheter and line



tooth extraction deciduous cap



tooth extraction crown



tooth extraction single rooted tooth



extraction canine tooth



root canal (endodontics) canine tooth



gum surgery minor



gum surgery major




Cat Fillings Not Advised
Fillings for cat cavities are not advised because the fillings in cat teeth just fall out in about six months. They fall out because the filling does not stop the cavity from getting bigger, as fillings do in human cavities.

Polishing Not Advised
Dogs and especially cats have thin enamel and studies show that polishing can remove a significant amount of enamel. Studies show that brushing the teeth works just as well as polishing after ultrasonic cleaning.