Efficacy and safety of topical selamectin to eradicate pinworm (Syphacia spp.) infections in rats (Rattus norvegicus) and mice (Mus musculus)
J Am Assoc Lab Anim Sci. May 2006;45(3):23-6.
William Allen Hill, Mildred Montgomery Randolph, Sharon Jean Lokey, Ernestine Hayes, Kelli Lynn Boyd, Timothy David Mandrell
Department of Comparative Medicine, College of Medicine, The University of Tennessee Health Science Center, and St Jude Children's Research Hospital, Animal Resources Center, Memphis, USA. whill2@utmem.edu
We evaluated the efficacy and safety of topical selamectin, a novel avermectin, in eliminating naturally acquired Syphacia muris infections in rats and S. obvelata infections in mice. S. muris-positive rats were assigned randomly to 4 groups: selamectin (0.6 mg/kg), selamectin (6.0 mg/kg), fenbendazole-medicated (150 ppm) chow, and untreated. S. obvelata-positive mice were allocated into 4 groups similar to those for rats. Animals not exposed to pinworm-contaminated bedding were designated as negative controls. Treatment success was assessed weekly by anal tape impressions and by necropsy examinations at the end of week 9. Evaluations of intestinal contents at necropsy revealed that, although safe, topical selamectin was 100% ineffective in eliminating Syphacia spp. infections in rats and mice. Treatment with fenbendazole-medicated chow resulted in negative anal tape impressions beginning at week 2 in rats and week 1 in mice. Negative anal tape impressions in fenbendazole-treated animals were confirmed by negative intestinal content evaluations. Of the 2 treatments evaluated, fenbendazole-medicated chow remains an effective and practical method to eliminate pinworm infections in mice and rats.