Putting Some Muscle into Osteoarthritis
Kenneth D. Brandt, MD
15 July 1997 | Volume 127 Issue 2 | Pages 154-156
Osteoarthritis, the most common joint disease, results from the complex interplay of biochemical, metabolic, and biomechanical factors and is characterized, in part, by the progressive loss of articular cartilage. Aggrecan and collagen, the major molecular constituents of articular cartilage, confer stiffness on compression and tensile strength, respectively. Evidence that the metabolic turnover rates of these molecules are increased in osteoarthritic cartilage has led investigators to search for enzymes responsible for their degradation in the hope that pharmacologic inhibitors might be developed to prevent the development or slow the progression of osteoarthritis.
In vitro, several matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs) degrade the core protein of aggrecan through the cleavage of the interglobular domain between Asn341 and Phe342. However, the predominant fragment of the core protein found in the synovial fluid of patients with osteoarthritis and in the medium of chondrocyte cultures after stimulation with interleukin-1 is generated by cleavage between Glu373 and Ala374, suggesting that in vivo proteolysis at the more distal site is important in the breakdown of cartilage in osteoarthritis. Efforts to produce primary Glu373 -Ala374 cleavage with a large number of proteases have been unsuccessful; this suggests that an unidentified enzyme, "aggrecanase," is responsible for this cleavage [1]. Recent evidence [2] suggests that aggrecanase may be a novel MMP.
The predominant collagen in articular cartilage, type II collagen, is responsible for the structural integrity of the tissue. Chondrocytes can produce three collagenases that are capable of cleaving the triple helical region of this collagen: MMP-1 (collagenase 1), MMP-8 (collagenase 2), and MMP-13 (collagenase 3). The last of these represents a major product of cartilage stimulated with interleukin-1, and it hydrolyzes type II collagen much more efficiently than do the other collagenases in cartilage [3]. Whether pharmacologic inhibition of collagenase or other MMPs would ameliorate cartilage breakdown in patients with osteoarthritis-and whether this inhibition can be accomplished without major adverse effects-remains to be determined. The possibility is currently being tested.
Tetracyclines have been shown to inhibit several cartilage MMPs. Doxycycline is a more effective inhibitor of MMP-13 than of the other cartilage collagenases, gelatinase or stromelysin [4]. Oral administration of this drug reduces joint damage in animal models of osteoarthritis [5]. Doxycycline not only inhibits active MMPs by chelating zinc at the catalytic site but also reduces levels of total collagenase and total gelatinase in osteoarthritic cartilage, apparently by affecting enzyme stability through the chelation of intramolecular calcium [6]. Tetracyclines also reduce the stability of messenger RNA for nitric oxide synthase [7]. Because nitric oxide can activate latent MMPs in cartilage [8], this may provide an additional reason for the efficacy of doxycycline in animal models of osteoarthritis. On the basis of the above observations, a placebo-controlled trial of this drug in humans with osteoarthritis has been initiated.
Although advances in our understanding of the biochemical changes underlying the breakdown of cartilage may lead to new pharmacologic agents for osteoarthritis, all of the tissues of the involved joint are abnormal. We should not dismiss the possibility that pharmacologic, biological, or physical measures that modify disease processes in subchondral bone, synovium, joint capsule, ligaments, or periarticular muscles will be more effective than a "chondroprotective" drug. The role of the neuromuscular system in protecting against joint damage deserves consideration in this respect.
In the dog, transection of the anterior cruciate ligament leads to osteoarthritis of the knee, although full-thickness loss of cartilage requires years to develop. However, if sensory input from the hind limb is interrupted before the induction of joint instability (for example, by ipsilateral L4 -S1 dorsal root ganglionectomy), blocking proprioceptive impulses transmitted by neurons whose axons ascend in the dorsal column of the spinal cord, end-stage osteoarthritis is seen within only weeks. This striking acceleration of joint breakdown is associated with increased extension of the unstable limb at touchdown, which causes greater stresses on the knee than in the neurologically intact cruciate-deficient dog [9]. The pathology is very similar to that of the severe joint degeneration that characterizes the secondary form of osteoarthritis seen in neuropathic (Charcot) arthropathy in humans.
Of note, a deficit in proprioception has been documented in humans who have (apparently) primary osteoarthritis of the knee. Whether this deficit is due to a primary neurologic abnormality or to damage to mechanoreceptors in or around the involved joint is unclear, but persons with clinical and radiographic evidence of unilateral osteoarthritis of the knee exhibit impaired proprioception in both lower extremities; this suggests an underlying, generalized neurologic defect [10]. Because a proprioception deficit puts the joint at risk by impairing protective muscular reflexes, this observation requires follow-up.
Even in the neurologically normal person, periarticular muscle weakness poses a threat to the joint. Quadriceps weakness is common in patients with osteoarthritis of the knee, and muscle strengthening exercise can reduce joint pain and improve function [11]. Although this quadriceps weakness is generally presumed to be due to muscle atrophy caused by reduced loading of the painful extremity, it may be seen in persons with radiographic evidence of osteoarthritis of the knee who have no history of recent knee pain and no loss of quadriceps mass. In some cases, it may be due to reflex inhibition of the quadriceps, with altered afferent input from the diseased joint resulting in abnormal efferent output to the muscle [12].
However, there is more to this story. Among persons with medial tibiofemoral compartment osteoarthritis, a decrease in pain led to an increase in adductor and flexor moments at the knee [13]; this suggests that the alleviation of joint pain could increase loading of damaged cartilage. The concept of "analgesic arthropathy" is not new; for years, there has been concern that drugs that relieve joint pain may lead to detrimental overloading of the arthritic joint. Furthermore, some nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) used for osteoarthritis pain inhibit proteoglycan synthesis [14] and could, theoretically, blunt the repair capacity of the chondrocyte. However, evidence that any NSAID accelerates progression of osteoarthritis in humans is far from clear cut.
Even if relief of joint pain were to increase joint loading, some have suggested that it may not be the magnitude of the load as much as the rate of loading that is the important determinant of joint damage [15]. Within physiologic limits, impulsive loads (in which the rate of loading is high) are more damaging to articular cartilage and subchondral bone than are forces of greater magnitude applied more gradually (Radin E. Personal communication). Very rapid application of load does not allow sufficient time for the periarticular muscles, the major shock absorbers protecting the joint, to absorb the load [16].
It has been suggested that normal persons walking at the same speed use various strategies to decelerate the leg at the end of the swing phase of gait [17]. Some persons use the braking action of their quadriceps to control the effect of gravity on the rate of descent of the leg, whereas deceleration of the leg by quadriceps contraction may be less effective in other persons, in whom the rate of descent is slowed only by contact with the ground. The large heel-strike transient that develops under the latter condition may generate contact forces in the knee that are several times greater than those produced when effective quadriceps contraction occurs before heel strike [18]. The basis for the differences in gait patterns among normal persons is unknown, but these differences could reflect individual differences in the central neurologic mechanisms that coordinate limb movements during gait.
Whether a quadricps-deficient pattern of gait leads to osteoarthritis of the knee is still unclear. However, preliminary analyses of a cohort of elderly persons living in the community suggest that persons who have quadriceps weakness at baseline are more likely than those with greater initial strength to exhibit progression of radiographic changes of osteoarthritis of the knee (Slemenda C, Brandt KD. Unpublished data). Regardless of its cause, weakness could impair protective reflexes originating from proprioceptive nerve endings in muscle spindles or mechanoreceptors within the joint.
Considerable effort is being expended on the development of drugs to counteract the underlying pathologic changes of osteoarthritis. It remains to be seen whether any drug that modifies chondrocyte metabolism will modify the pathology of osteoarthritis if the mechanical environment of the joint remains abnormal. Drug development should not preclude evaluation of the possibility that physical measures that improve neuromuscular function (for example, coordination or periarticular muscle strength) may have a favorable effect on the pathology and symptoms of osteoarthritis. Indeed, improvement in joint mechanics could enhance the efficacy of a disease-modifying drug. Even in elderly persons, quadriceps strength can be increased through training [19]. Although it may not be possible to completely reverse the neuropathologic changes that are responsible for initiating joint damage (for example, a deficit in proprioception), persons with such defects may be trained to alter their movement patterns to protect their joints from traumatic injury.
Acknowledgment: The author thanks Kathie Lane for expert secretarial assistance.
Grant Support: In part by grants AR20582 and AR43348 from the National Institutes of Health.
Requests for Reprints: Kenneth D. Brandt, MD, Rheumatology Division, 541 Clinical Drive, Room 492, Indianapolis, IN 46202.
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Indiana University School of Medicine Indianapolis, IN 46202-5103
TopAuthor & Article InfoReferences
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