Small Animal Clinical Endocrinology 8[1], Jan-Apr 1998
This article summary and comments are from 'Small Animal Clinical Endocrinology', edited by C. B. Chastain, DVM, MS, DipACVIM; Dave Panciera, DVM, MS, Dip ACVIM; and Mollyann Holland, DVM and published by Daniels Pharmaceuticals
Current veterinary therapy X! page 876 under a section called relationship of incontinence to neutering
incidence and breed predisposition
A retrospective study of 412 spayed bitches revealed an incidence of 20.1%. There appears to be a strong correlation between body weight and the incidence of incontinence. Of bitches with a body weight of less than 20 kg, only 9.3% were incontinent, whereas in bitches with a body weight of more than 20kg, the incidence was 30.9%. Boxers showed the highest incidence (65%)