Current 03 vaccine survey recommendations of vet clinics

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Current 03 vaccine survey recommendations of vet clinics

Postby guest » Thu Sep 25, 2003 9:55 am ... 20Pets.htm

Veterinary Vaccination Recommendations Survey
Houston-Metroplex, Texas - February 10, 2003

Full service respondents.................................... 146
Cat only practices ............................................. 4
Total clinics.....................................................150

Clinic had Caller ID and refused to answer questions ...4
Hang-ups - .........................................................3

Initial series of vaccinations given @

4/6/8/12/16 weeks 11 7%
6 /8/12 /16 weeks 133 88%
8/12/16/weeks 5 3%
series extended to 20 weeks 1 0.6%

Parvo and corona every 6 months 25 17%
Dhpp annually 119 75%
Dhpp every 2 years 3 2%
Dhpp every 3 years. 7 5%
Dhpp at 1 yr good for life 1 0.6%
Corona puppies only 10 7%
Corona annually 97 66%
Corona every 6 month 25 16%
corona 18 12%
Lepto annually 97 66%
Lepto hunting dogs only 6 4%
No lepto for small dogs 3 2%
~*No lepto 40 27%
Lyme. 89 60%
No Lyme. 44 30%
Giardia 27 18%
~*No Giardia. 119 82%

PLPRhCV annually 137 91%
PLP RhCv every 2 years 5 3%
*PLP RhCv every 3 years 7 4%
~Plp good for life RhCv every 3 years 1 0.6%
FeLv annually 120 80%
FeLv annually high risk only 17 11%
FeLv every 2 years high risk only 5 3%
~* FeLv every 3 years high risk only 8 5%
~* Offer non adjuvanted Rabies 44 29%
~* Offer non adjuvanted PLPRhCV 11 7%
~ Offer non adjuvanted FeLV 12 8%
Offer FIP 54 36%
Offer FIV 93 62%
Offer Intranasal RhCv 2 1.3%
~*Warning about injection
site fibrosarcoma 73 48%
~Provide handout or written informed consent 5 3%
~*Advise to remove lumps which persist 48 32%
Treat lumps with benadryl 5
Treat lumps with cortisone 1
Said injections don’t cause fibrosarcomas,
not to worry 8 5%
Updating their recommendations in the near future 5 3%
Said they followed TAMU recommendations
but did not. 2 1.3%

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