If you think surgery for back pain works you better read these hyperlinks.
http://evidencebasedvet.com/forum/viewt ... light=disc
http://evidencebasedvet.com/forum/viewt ... light=disc
This literature synthesis spans the 3 decades during which the Federal Drug Administration (FDA) was empowered by the Kefauver-Harris amendments to demand a clearly favorable benefit-to-risk ratio before any pharmaceutical could be purveyed. If those amendments had added surgery for regional back-pain syndromes for humans and pets to the purview of the FDA, many American human and dog backs would have been spared the scar that denotes an unproved remedy.
Because surgery for regional back-pain syndromes is an unproven modality of treatment. Clients should avoid taking the advise of any veterinarian who promotes back pain surgery in the market place. Clients who wish to try back pain surgery for their pet should discuss their situation with a knowledgeable veterinarian who has no commercial interest in making a profit from back pain surgery.
The use of back pain surgery in animals should be restricted to appropriate research settings.