here is what periodontal disease is and some pictures of it
Dental care must be continual to be totally effective ... ?p=346#346 but tooth polishing is no longer considered to be necessary for cleaning
Routine dental polish and scaling often referred to as "fluff and buff" has not been shown to help animals or humans. The effects on periodontal health of a routine scale and polish and of providing this intervention at different time intervals are unclear ... =1938#1938
Sedation is a effective and safe alternative to general gas anesthetic
dental care done on dogs and cats under gas anesthesia by non veterinarians have resulted in malpractice claim warnings
We do not use gas anesthesia when we clean teeth. ... 49ca7ac250
sedation rather than gas anesthesia allows the doctor to use at least 25% less drug than is needed to put an ET tube in place for gas anesthetic. Your two legged members of the family are not given gas anesthetic and an ET tube for dental treatments and we think it best your four legged children should not either.
quote from respected dental Journal
"the ethics of regular use of general anesthesia for a routine examination and scale and polish is questionable. "
VOLUME 188, NO. 7, APRIL 8 2000
to read full article go to
We support regulatory efforts to require vets to physically be present during dental cleanings just like they must be when surgery is done on your pet. We promote stannous Fluoride because it has proven to be safe in clinical trials it closes open dentinal tubules, thereby decreasing sensitivity it decreases pain, strengthens enamel and has proven to be anti plaque and treats gum infection. ... 1574707b1b
If you are not going to brush the teeth of your four legged family members there are some other less effective proven to work things you can do to help. Here are some proven home care Products and How They Work. ... ?p=730#730
***note we do not advise single source maintained diets for any member of the family so do not feed exclusively dental diets.