Volume 347:81-88July 11, 2002Number 2
A Controlled Trial of Arthroscopic Surgery for Osteoarthritis of the
J. Bruce Moseley, M.D., Kimberly O'Malley, Ph.D., Nancy J. Petersen,
Ph.D., Terri J. Menke, Ph.D., Baruch A. Brody, Ph.D., David H.
Kuykendall, Ph.D.,
John C. Hollingsworth, Dr.P.H., Carol M. Ashton, M.D., M.P.H., and Nelda
P. Wray, M.D., M.P.H.
AbstractPDFPDA Full TextSupplementary Material
by Felson, D. T.
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Background Many patients report symptomatic relief after undergoing
arthroscopy of the knee for osteoarthritis, but it is unclear how the
procedure achieves this result. We conducted a randomized,
placebo-controlled trial to evaluate the efficacy of arthroscopy for
osteoarthritis of the knee.
Methods A total of 180 patients with osteoarthritis of the knee were
randomly assigned to receive arthroscopic débridement, arthroscopic
lavage, or placebo surgery. Patients in the placebo group received skin
incisions and underwent a simulated débridement without insertion of
the arthroscope. Patients and assessors of outcome were blinded to the
treatment-group assignment. Outcomes were assessed at multiple points
over a 24-month period with the use of five self-reported scores —
three on scales for pain and two on scales for function — and one
objective test of walking and stair climbing. A total of 165 patients
completed the trial.
Results At no point did either of the intervention groups report less
pain or better function than the placebo group. For example, mean
(±SD) scores on the Knee-Specific Pain Scale (range, 0 to 100, with
higher scores indicating more severe pain) were similar in the placebo,
lavage, and débridement groups: 48.9±21.9, 54.8±19.8, and
51.7±22.4, respectively, at one year (P=0.14 for the comparison
between placebo and lavage; P=0.51 for the comparison between placebo
and débridement) and 51.6±23.7, 53.7±23.7, and 51.4±23.2,
respectively, at two years (P=0.64 and P=0.96, respectively).
Furthermore, the 95 percent confidence intervals for the differences
between the placebo group and the intervention groups exclude any
clinically meaningful difference.
Conclusions In this controlled trial involving patients with
osteoarthritis of the knee, the outcomes after arthroscopic lavage or
arthroscopic débridement were no better than those after a placebo
When medical therapy fails to relieve the pain of osteoarthritis of the
knee, arthroscopic lavage or débridement is often recommended. More
than 650,000 such procedures are performed each year1 at a cost of
roughly $5,000 each. In uncontrolled studies of knee arthroscopy for
osteoarthritis, about half the patients report relief from
pain.2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16 However, the physiological
basis for the pain relief is unclear. There is no evidence that
arthroscopy cures or arrests the osteoarthritis. Therefore, we conducted
a randomized, placebo-controlled trial to assess the efficacy of
arthroscopic surgery of the knee in relieving pain and improving
function in patients with osteoarthritis. Both patients and assessors of
outcome were blinded to the treatment assignments.
The college and hospital institutional review board approved the
protocol. A data and safety monitoring board monitored the study.
Study Participants
Participants were recruited from the Houston Veterans Affairs Medical
Center from October 1995 through September 1998. Patients were eligible
if they were 75 years old or younger, had osteoarthritis of the knee as
defined by the American College of Rheumatology,17 reported at least
moderate knee pain on average (4 on a visual-analogue scale ranging from
0 to 10) despite maximal medical treatment for at least six months, and
had not undergone arthroscopy of the knee during the previous two years.
The severity of osteoarthritis in the study knee (that with the greatest
pain-induced limitation of function) was assessed radiographically and
graded on a scale of zero to four.18 The scores for the three
compartments were added together to generate a severity grade of 0 to
12. Criteria for exclusion were a severity grade of 9 or higher, severe
deformity, and serious medical problems.
All patients provided informed consent, which included writing in their
chart, "On entering this study, I realize that I may receive only
placebo surgery. I further realize that this means that I will not have
surgery on my knee joint. This placebo surgery will not benefit my knee
arthritis." Of the 324 consecutive patients who met the criteria for
inclusion, 144 (44 percent) declined to participate. Participants were
younger than those who declined to participate (52.3±11.3 years vs.
55.3±12.4 years, P=0.002), were more likely to be white (62.2 percent
vs. 50.7 percent, P=0.03), and had more severe arthritis (25.0 percent
vs. 12.5 percent with grade 7 or 8 arthritis, P<0.001).
Randomization Process and Treatment Groups
Participants were stratified into three groups according to the severity
of osteoarthritis (grade 1, 2, or 3; grade 4, 5, or 6; and grade 7 or
![Cool 8)](./images/smilies/icon_cool.gif)
. A stratified randomization process with fixed blocks of six was
used. Sealed, sequentially numbered, stratum-specific envelopes
containing treatment assignments were prepared and given to the research
assistant. After the patient was in the operating suite, the surgeon was
handed the envelope. The treatment assignment was not revealed to the
Participants were randomly assigned to arthroscopic débridement,
arthroscopic lavage alone, or the placebo procedure. One orthopedist
performed all the operations. Patients in the débridement group or the
lavage group received standard general anesthesia with endotracheal
intubation. Patients in the placebo group received a short-acting
intravenous tranquilizer and an opioid and spontaneously breathed
oxygen-enriched air.
After diagnostic arthroscopy in patients in the lavage group, the joint
was lavaged with at least 10 liters of fluid. Anything that could be
flushed out through arthroscopic cannulas was removed. Normally, no
instruments were used to mechanically débride or remove tissue.
However, if a mechanically important, unstable tear in the meniscus
(e.g., a displaced "bucket-handle" tear) was encountered, the torn
portion was removed and the remaining meniscus was smoothed to a firm,
stable rim. (There is general agreement that it is inappropriate to
leave this type of meniscal tear untreated.11,13,19,20) No other
débridement was performed.
After diagnostic arthroscopy in patients in the débridement group, the
joint was lavaged with at least 10 liters of fluid, rough articular
cartilage was shaved (chondroplasty was performed), loose debris was
removed, all torn or degenerated meniscal fragments were trimmed, and
the remaining meniscus was smoothed to a firm and stable rim. No
abrasion arthroplasty or microfracture was performed. Typically, bone
spurs were not removed, but any spurs from the tibial spine area that
blocked full extension were shaved smooth.
Placebo Procedure
To preserve blinding in the event that patients in the placebo group did
not have total amnesia, a standard arthroscopic débridement procedure
was simulated. After the knee was prepped and draped, three 1-cm
incisions were made in the skin. The surgeon asked for all instruments
and manipulated the knee as if arthroscopy were being performed. Saline
was splashed to simulate the sounds of lavage. No instrument entered the
portals for arthroscopy. The patient was kept in the operating room for
the amount of time required for a débridement. Patients spent the
night after the procedure in the hospital and were cared for by nurses
who were unaware of the treatment-group assignment.
Postoperatively, there were two minor complications and no deaths.
Incisional erythema developed in one patient, who was given antibiotics.
In a second patient, calf swelling developed in the leg that had
undergone surgery; venography was negative for thrombosis. In no case
did a complication necessitate the breaking of the randomization code.
Postoperative care was delivered according to a protocol specifying that
all patients should receive the same walking aids, graduated exercise
program, and analgesics. The use of analgesics after surgery was
monitored; during the two-year follow-up period, the amount used was
similar in the three groups.
End Points
Study personnel who were unaware of the treatment-group assignments
performed all postoperative outcome assessments; the operating surgeon
did not participate in any way. Data on end points were collected 2
weeks, 6 weeks, 3 months, 6 months, 12 months, 18 months, and 24 months
after the procedure. To assess whether patients remained unaware of
their treatment-group assignment, they were asked at each follow-up
visit to guess which procedure they had undergone. Patients in the
placebo group were no more likely than patients in the other two groups
to guess that they had undergone a placebo procedure. For example, at
two weeks, 13.8 percent of the patients in the placebo group guessed
that they had undergone a placebo procedure, and 13.2 percent of the
patients in the lavage and débridement groups guessed that they had
undergone a placebo procedure.
The primary end point was pain in the study knee 24 months after the
intervention, as assessed by a 12-item self-reported Knee-Specific Pain
Scale (KSPS) created for this study (see Supplementary Appendix 1,
available with the full text of this article at
Scores on this scale range from 0 to 100, with higher scores indicating
more severe pain. In addition, to ensure our ability to detect any
benefit, we also used five secondary efficacy end points: two additional
assessments of pain and three assessments of function at all time
points. Arthritis pain in general (i.e., not specifically in the study
knee) was assessed by means of the four-item pain subscale of the
Arthritis Impact Measurement Scales (AIMS2-P).21,22 Higher scores on
this subscale indicate more severe pain. Body pain (i.e., not
necessarily from arthritis and not necessarily in the knee) was assessed
with the 2-item pain subscale of the Medical Outcomes Study 36-item
Short-Form General Health Survey (SF-36-P).23,24 Higher scores on this
subscale indicate less severe pain. The AIMS2-P and the SF-36-P scores
were transformed into scores on a scale from 0 to 100.
Two self-reported measures of physical function were used: the 5-item
walking–bending subscale from the AIMS2 (AIMS2-WB, transformed into
scores on a scale from 0 to 100, with higher scores indicating more
limited function21,22) and the 10-item physical-function subscale from
the SF-36 (SF-36-PF, transformed into scores on a scale from 0 to 100,
with higher scores indicating better function23,24). As an objective
measure, we devised the Physical Functioning Scale (PFS) to record the
amount of time in seconds that a patient required to walk 30 m (100 ft)
and to climb up and down a flight of stairs as quickly as possible.
Longer times indicate poorer functioning.
All six outcome scales had good reliability. The median Cronbach's alpha
(according to analyses of data from eight time points for all scales)
exceeded 0.80. Results for all the outcome measures at all the time
points that are not reported here are summarized in Supplementary
Appendix 2, available with the full text of this article at
Statistical Analysis
Our pilot study indicated that it would be feasible to recruit 60
patients per year. The trial was designed to have 90 percent power, with
a two-sided type I error of 0.04, to detect a moderate effect size
(0.55) between the placebo group and the combined arthroscopic-treatment
groups in terms of body pain as measured by the SF-36-P at two years,
with an enrollment of 180 patients and 16 or fewer lost to follow-up
(i.e., 164 or more completing the two-year follow-up). The primary
hypothesis was that the patients in two arthroscopic-intervention groups
combined would report the same amount of knee pain at two years as the
patients assigned to the placebo group. All statistical tests compared
the treatment groups in terms of the values at each visit rather than
analyzing the changes from base line. (Scores for these changes ["change
scores"] were analyzed, with results that did not differ from the
results presented here.) The data and safety monitoring board reviewed
interim data 15 months and 24 months after enrollment began, using the
Haybittle–Peto group-sequential method, with stopping boundaries of
P=0.001 for the two interim analyses.25,26 All reported P values are
two-sided and have not been adjusted for multiple comparisons.
Our prespecified analytic strategy was to test, at all time points, for
the superiority of the arthroscopic procedures over the placebo
procedure. Lacking evidence of superiority, we tested for evidence that
the arthroscopic procedures were equivalent27,28,29 to the placebo
procedure by determining the extent to which the study was powered to
reject the hypothesis that the arthroscopic treatments caused a small
but clinically important improvement (the "minimal important
difference"). The minimal important difference for a scale is the
smallest change score associated with a patient's perception of a change
in health status,30 but it can vary somewhat according to the method of
calculation and the study sample.31,32 Minimal important differences for
each of the six study scales were calculated on the basis of the trial
data by two different methods: the change ratings of patients (their
scores on a single-item scale that asked patients if their condition was
the same, somewhat better [or worse], or much better [or worse] than
before surgery) and the standard error of measurement (the SD of the
instrument multiplied by the square root of one minus its reliability
coefficient).30,31,32 Estimates were also obtained from the
literature.31,32,33 For each scale, we tested the hypothesis that the
placebo procedure was equivalent to the arthroscopic procedures, using
as the minimal important difference the midpoint of the range of the
minimal important differences reported in the literature or calculated
on the basis of our data. If the 95 percent confidence interval around
the estimated size of the effect does not include the minimal important
difference, one can reject the hypothesis that the arthroscopic
procedures have a small but clinically important benefit.27
A total of 180 patients underwent randomization; 60 were assigned to the
placebo group, 61 to the lavage group, and 59 to the débridement
group. Base-line characteristics were similar in the three study groups
(Table 1).
View this table:
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Table 1. Base-Line Characteristics of the Randomized Patients.
At no point did either arthroscopic-intervention group have greater pain
relief than the placebo group (Figure 1, Table 2, and Supplementary
Appendix 2). For example, there was no difference in knee pain between
the placebo group and either the lavage group or the débridement group
at one year (mean [±SD] KSPS scores, 48.9±21.9, 54.8±19.8, and
51.7±22.4, respectively; P=0.14 for the comparison with the lavage
group, and P=0.51 for the comparison with the débridement group) or at
two years (mean KSPS scores, 51.6±23.7, 53.7±23.7, and 51.4±23.2,
respectively; P=0.64 and P=0.96, respectively). Similarly, there was no
significant difference in arthritis pain between the placebo group and
the lavage group or the débridement group at one or two years (Table
View larger version (13K):
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Figure 1. Mean Values (and 95 Percent Confidence Intervals) on the
Knee-Specific Pain Scale.
Assessments were made before the procedure and 2 weeks, 6 weeks, 3
months, 6 months, 12 months, 18 months, and 24 months after the
procedure. Higher scores indicate more severe pain.
View this table:
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Table 2. Scores on the Pain Subscale of the Arthritis Impact
Measurement Scales.
Furthermore, at no time point did either arthroscopic-intervention group
have significantly greater improvement in function than the placebo
group (Figure 2, Table 3, and Supplementary Appendix 2). For example,
there was no significant difference between the placebo group and either
the lavage group or the débridement group in the self-reported ability
to walk and bend at one year (mean AIMS2-WB scores, 49.4±25.5,
49.6±29.1, and 56.4±28.4, respectively; P=0.98 for the comparison
with the lavage group, and P=0.19 for the comparison with the
débridement group) or at two years (mean AIMS2-WB score, 53.8±27.5,
51.1±28.3, and 56.4±29.4, respectively; P=0.61 and P=0.64,
respectively). Indeed, objectively measured walking and stair climbing
were poorer in the débridement group than in the placebo group at two
weeks (mean PFS score, 56.0±21.8 vs. 48.3±13.4; P=0.02) and one year
(mean PFS score, 52.5±20.3 vs. 45.6±10.2; P=0.04) and showed a trend
toward worse functioning at two years (mean PFS score, 52.6±16.4 vs.
47.7±12.0; P=0.11) (Table 3).
View larger version (14K):
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Figure 2. Mean Values (and 95 Percent Confidence Intervals) on the
Walking–Bending Subscale of the Arthritis Impact Measurement Scales
Assessments were made before the procedure and 2 weeks, 6 weeks, 3
months, 6 months, 12 months, 18 months, and 24 months after the
procedure. Higher scores indicate poorer functioning.
View this table:
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Table 3. Scores on the Physical Functioning Scale.
Lacking evidence of the superiority of the arthroscopic treatments over
the placebo procedure in relieving pain or improving function, we
considered whether the 95 percent confidence intervals for the
differences in outcome between each arthroscopic procedure and the
placebo procedure included clinically important differences. The minimal
important differences used for this evaluation were as follows: a
difference of 13.5 points on the KSPS, 10.0 on the AIMS2-P, 11.8 on the
SF-36-P, 12.8 on the AIMS2-WB, 11.3 on the SF-36-PF, and 4.5 on the PFS.
At almost all time points during follow-up (72 of 84 comparisons), the
confidence intervals excluded these minimal important differences.
This study provides strong evidence that arthroscopic lavage with or
without débridement is not better than and appears to be equivalent to
a placebo procedure in improving knee pain and self-reported function.
Indeed, at some points during follow-up, objective function was
significantly worse in the débridement group than in the placebo
Arthroscopy is the most commonly performed type of orthopedic surgery,
and the knee is by far the most common joint on which it is performed.1
Numerous uncontrolled, retrospective case series have reported
substantial pain relief after arthroscopic lavage or arthroscopic
débridement for osteoarthritis of the
knee.2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16 In the only previous
double-blind, randomized, controlled trial of knee arthroscopy of which
we are aware,34 patients with minimal osteoarthritis as assessed by
radiography were assigned to undergo arthroscopic lavage with either
3000 ml of fluid (treatment) or 250 ml of fluid (control) and were
followed for one year. Both the treatment and the control groups
reported improvement in function at 12 months, and although the report
interprets the study as having proved the efficacy of lavage, there was
no statistically significant difference between the groups in terms of
the primary outcome at any point during follow-up.
To explain the improvement that has been reported after these
procedures, some have proposed that the fluid that is flushed through
the knee during arthroscopy cleanses the knee of painful debris and
inflammatory enzymes.4,6,9,15,16,34 Others have suggested that the
improvement is due to the removal of flaps of articular cartilage, torn
meniscal fragments, hypertrophied synovium, and loose
debris.2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14 However, our study found that
outcomes after arthroscopic treatment are no better than those after a
placebo procedure. This lack of difference suggests that the improvement
is not due to any intrinsic efficacy of the procedures. Although
patients in the placebo groups of randomized trials frequently have
improvement, it may be attributable to either the natural history of the
condition or some independent effect of the placebo.
Because we found no evidence that lavage or débridement is superior to
a placebo procedure, the question arises whether these arthroscopic
procedures could have small but clinically important benefits that we
missed because of our limited sample size. To evaluate this possibility,
we determined the size of the clinical benefit that the trial was able
to rule out, using the minimal important difference for each of our
scales. Because estimates of minimal important differences based on
different samples and different methods do not yield the same values, we
used the midpoint of the range of available minimal important
differences in order to test our hypothesis about the equivalence of the
three procedures. For the great majority of comparisons, the 95 percent
confidence intervals did not contain the minimal important difference,
indicating that there was not a clinically important improvement that
the study had simply failed to detect.
One surgeon performed all the procedures in this study. Consequently,
his technical proficiency is critical to the generalizability of our
findings. Our study surgeon is board-certified, is fellowship-trained in
arthroscopy and sports medicine, and has been in practice for 10 years
in an academic medical center. He is currently the orthopedic surgeon
for a National Basketball Association team and was the physician for the
men's and women's U.S. Olympic basketball teams in 1996.
The principal limitation of this study is that our participants may not
be representative of all candidates for arthroscopic treatment of
osteoarthritis of the knee. Almost all participants were men, because
the study was conducted at a Veterans Affairs medical center. We do not
know whether our findings may be generalized to women, although
uncontrolled studies do not indicate that there are differences between
the sexes in responses to arthroscopic procedures.8,10,13 A selection
bias might have been introduced by the fact that 44 percent of the
eligible patients declined to participate in the study. We believe this
high rate of refusal to participate resulted from the fact that all
patients knew they had a one-in-three chance of undergoing a placebo
procedure. Patients who agreed to participate might have been so sure
that an arthroscopic procedure would help that they were willing to take
a one-in-three chance of undergoing the placebo procedure. Such patients
might have had higher expectations of benefit or been more susceptible
to a placebo effect than those who chose not to participate.
If the efficacy of arthroscopic lavage or débridement in patients with
osteoarthritis of the knee is no greater than that of placebo surgery,
the billions of dollars spent on such procedures annually might be put
to better use. This study has also shown the great potential for a
placebo effect with surgery, although it is unclear whether this effect
is due solely to the natural history of the condition or whether there
is some independent effect. Researchers should reconsider the best ways
of testing the efficacy of surgical procedures performed purely for the
improvement of symptoms. In the debate about placebo-controlled trials
of surgery, the critical ethical considerations surround the choice of
the placebo. Finally, health care researchers should not underestimate
the placebo effect, regardless of its mechanism.35
Supported by a grant from the Department of Veterans Affairs.
Source Information
From the Houston Veterans Affairs Medical Center (J.B.M., K.O., N.J.P.,
T.J.M., D.H.K., C.M.A., N.P.W.); the Department of Orthopedic Surgery
(J.B.M.), the Department of Medicine, Section of Health Services
Research (K.O., N.J.P., T.J.M., C.M.A., N.P.W.), and the Center for
Medical Ethics and Health Policy (B.A.B.), Baylor College of Medicine;
and International Survey Research (D.H.K.) — all in Houston; and the
Laguna Honda Hospital, San Francisco (J.C.H.).
Address reprint requests to Dr. Wray at the Section of Health Services
Research, Baylor College of Medicine, 2002 Holcombe Blvd. (M.R. 152),
Houston, TX 77030, or at
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by Felson, D. T.
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Arthroscopic Surgery for Osteoarthritis of the Knee
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N Engl J Med 2002; 347:1717-1719, Nov 21, 2002. Correspondence
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