vaccine injection cancer POEM

Issues involving cat vaccines. Questions, answers, theories, and evidence.
Why do vaccines cause cancer in cats but not dogs or humans?

vaccine injection cancer POEM

Postby guest » Thu Sep 25, 2003 3:12 pm

A mother tries to comfort her daughter in the exam room,
After euthanasia twenty minutes seems like twenty years.
The little girl still wants her cat to live.
But no one stops to really listen, and no one really really hears.

“ One in twenty two thousand, it doesn’t happen that often,”
The doctors say, as each try to deny,
But those words will do nothing to soften
The pain of the little child we all have inside.

 She still wants that smug face and warm ball of fur
That snuggled with her in the night,
Made bread and purred as she lie sleeping.
Now he’s gone, leaving it cold and empty, no longer at her side.

A home was once filled with love and laughter. 
The clown made them laugh every day.
He swaggered in the cat door, said, “ Yo, I’m here” please feed me,
As he took for himself the very best chair ‘cause they’re all his anyway’. 

These loving people trusted the caretaker,
The one who took an oath “to do no harm.”
The ostrich that is still in denial,
And even yet fails to heed and warn. 

Vaccine associated sarcoma, that deadly stalker,
That comes unannounced again and again,
The fibrosarcoma takes another one of God’s special creations,
The killer in the hands of the caretaker causes yet more needless pain.

After ten years we have safer vaccinations.
A least seven years the prevention has been proven to last.
Our clients are willing to listen,
Will we do the right thing at last?

Why do caretakers give potions that are not needed?
When enough is enough, why give more, why push on?
“Who killed the Darling Buds of May?
Please help me to understand why this still goes on? 

Why is it that change always brings resistance?
To a new challenge, and what was not so recently proven wrong.
How can anyone counter such persistence?
Arms folded and unsubstantiated beliefs that continue fixed like stone.

“I haven’t seen the data.” (This doesn’t mean its not there, it is.)
“It doesn’t matter what it says anyway.
I don’t believe it and I’m not changing.
I’ve always done it this way.”

Call it controversial.
If that means it is being discussed, that is true.
But it doesn’t mean there is data to support both sides.
There is no data to support giving annual vaccinations.
The studies show it has no effect, the benefit is unproved. 

And now the mother and daughter are finally leaving.
That trust will never be the same.
Hearts are broken, tears are shed and pain is lasting,
The vaccine manufacturers and the caretakers play this game. 

This experience, was it sharp and hurt-full?
For the doctor as well as the girl?
As sharp and hurt-full as all the unnecessary vaccines
Recommended outside of the” Ivory Towers” called Veterinary Schools,

In what some call “ the trenches ” or “ The real the world.”
After ten years, this is the course things have taken.
Its never to late to listen, to read, and finally to change.
A caretaker should be willing to challenge their beliefs and move forward,
Or medicine will always stay the same. 

Patients were once killed by snake oil potions and remedies they didn’t need,
Today those claims unsubstantiated by scientific data seem pretty lame,
Still in spite Published Studies Doctors never have time to read,
Again caretakers must face the accusations, the doubt, the shame, and the blame.


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