client informed consent boarding information

Electronic medical records (EMRs) hold great promise for improving the practice of evidence based medicine by facilitating communication between members of the health care team. The most profound influence of EMRs may lie in their ability to encourage clients' involvement in their own pets care.

client informed consent boarding information

Postby malernee » Fri Feb 11, 2005 1:51 pm

first let me say that rather than board your pet with me or somewhere else please consider having a friend or family member pet sit at your house when you are gone.

price for boarding depends on
1. what kind of boarding you want

A. cage and run
B. cageless/runless boarding at coworkers home
C. pet sitting boarding at your home by coworker

2. when you want to board. Dates and time of day for drop off and pick ups

3. what kind of animal you have

here is my cage and run boarding prices and how to contact us to schedule boarding and to see if we can care for your pet at the times you will be leaving town.

here is a picture of cage boarding
here is a picture of run boarding

I don't personally do pet sitting, but a coworker does. She charges $15 per visit. Most of her clients are clients of our hospital.

cage less boarding is also available at my coworkers home
>60 lb 32.00
cat 18.00
40-60 lb 28.00
20-40 lb 24.00
up to 20 lb 22.00

kennel cough revaccination is not advised for boarding
annual revaccination is not advised for boarding
I now sell a pesticide free flea tick dewormer for 15 dollars to avoid pesticide dips,sprays and shampoo.
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